Temporal Incursion: Stellar Flash Book Three. Now Available. A Science Fiction, Fantasy, Aliens and Time Travel Space Opera Adventure.

Available in Digital and in Print Formats from Amazon

Temporal Incursion: Stellar Flash Book Three

By Neil A. Hogan

Dangerous temporal disturbances are appearing throughout the Proxima Centauri system, and 27 scientists have gone missing from the Frequency Research Institute’s base on Proxibee.

When Admiral Victoria Heartness declines the request to help, she mysteriously disappears, too.

Doctor John Patel quickly enlists Admiral Wei Zhou to manage the station, and look into Heartness’ disappearance. But with builderbot’s going rogue and attacking some of the station’s residents, Zhou’s hands get full pretty quickly. 

Captain Jonathan Hogart would be the next best person to help track down Heartness, but then the Stellar Flash ship goes offline, internal doors stop working, and rooms start being erased. With just Raj Kumar and the ship’s Japanese avatar available, and no access to communications or flash jumps, Hogart is unable to even get his crew on board.

In desperation, Patel requests Commander Sue Lin of the Proxima Centauri Space Force to investigate the F.R.I hive,and find Heartness. But with her soldiers being wiped out by a crazed energy cloud, it’s all she can do to stop herself from destroying the base from orbit.

With micro time particles converging, a deadly alien entity expanding, a robot uprising spreading, and flash ship problems increasing, can the Stellar Flash crew get to Proxibee in time to not only rescue Heartness, but also prevent Commander Lin from making a mistake that could destroy the entire universe?

Temporal Incursion is Book Three in the Stellar Flash series. A self-contained story of about 63,000 words.

New Cover for Temporal Incursion

Hi Friends. Yes, I’ve decided to update the cover. The previous one just looked a bit like Earth had turned brown. I wanted to make sure that people knew that it wasn’t Earth. So, now Proxibee takes up half of it.

As I’m using Creative Commons image released by the European Southern Observatory, I also had to make sure I got the copyright statement right. Here it is:

The image of Proxima Centauri B featured on the cover has been released by the European Southern Observatory under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ and originally comes from the video: ESOcast 87: Planet found around closest Star. Please visit: eso.org/public/announcements/ann16056/ to watch the complete video.

The video is pretty cool, and I recommend you check it out. Everything you need to know about Proxima Centauri B.

Temporal Incursion: Stellar Flash Book Three is due out on the 5th March on Amazon, in print and as an ebook, and will be available via Kindle Unlimited for a limited time.

From about May it will be available for special order printing through various bookshops , and from June on Apple, Google Play, Kobo, and other places as an ebook.

I’ll post again as soon as it is released on Amazon.

Many thanks for your interest in the Stellar Flash series

The Stellar Flash Dream Team – The Actors and Actresses I would love to be involved if the Stellar Flash book series becomes a streaming series.

When I am writing the characters, sometimes I imagine particular actors in the roles. I find this helps to describe the body language a bit better.

When the Stellar Flash series becomes a streaming series (I hope to begin working on scripts in 2021, unless someone comes to me earlier) then I have a dream team of people I would love to take part, depending on finances, commitments, availability, locations and what producers, directors and casting agencies decide. (!)

Many of my characters are over 40, which means anyone I think would be suitable now, would be a lot older or even retired by the time the series goes into production. Even so, I’ll keep my hopes up until that day comes.

Please note that I have not approached any of these actors and actresses about the potential for a Stellar Flash series. At the end of the day, everything would depend on funding, and the production company may simply not be able to afford to hire performers of this caliber.

My Dream Team

Admiral Victoria Heartness: Nicole deBoer

Admiral Wei Zhou: Liu Yifei

Doctor John Patel: Brian George

Doctor Hiro Watanabe: George Takei

Commander Sue Lin: Lucy Liu

Raj Kumar: Suraj Sharma

Pilot Josie Tonderai: Freema Agyeman

Stellar Flash Avatar: Initially, Koyuki Kato. The eventual plan is for there to be a different guest actor to play the avatar in each episode.

All alien characters will be fully CGI’d, and I haven’t decided which voices I’d like for any of them yet.

Captain Jonathan Hogart: Not sure yet. My Hogart is still a combination of Bakula, Barrowman, Boxleitner and Browder! And looking a bit like Christopher Reeve. I’m hoping a new actor will rise up in the ranks of high tech scifi that has the look I’m looking for. About 180cm tall, thick black hair, pale skin, muscular, brown eyes, clean shaven, square jaw, and with a glint in his eye that says he’s about to either make a joke, or tease someone. Late 30s now.

Any suggestions?

Stellar Flash update

Apologies that I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been working on Temporal Incursion: Stellar Flash Book Three. I’ve finally finished the first draft. The next thing to do is to start work on fixing the sentences, plot holes, fleshing out the characters and environment and correcting some of the science. (Set mainly on Proxibee, I’m going to have to make allowances for the slightly heavier gravity.)

I’m hoping that it will be finished by February 2019, but I’m very excited to tell you that I have put a cover together already. There’s nothing like a cover to spur you on to completing a story. It’s quite a simple one, just to set the scene. I might change it later. Not sure yet. But as a reader of the Stellar Flash series, you’re the first to see it.

I’ll post more soon!


Neil A. Hogan