New Cover for Temporal Incursion

Hi Friends. Yes, I’ve decided to update the cover. The previous one just looked a bit like Earth had turned brown. I wanted to make sure that people knew that it wasn’t Earth. So, now Proxibee takes up half of it.

As I’m using Creative Commons image released by the European Southern Observatory, I also had to make sure I got the copyright statement right. Here it is:

The image of Proxima Centauri B featured on the cover has been released by the European Southern Observatory under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. and originally comes from the video: ESOcast 87: Planet found around closest Star. Please visit: to watch the complete video.

The video is pretty cool, and I recommend you check it out. Everything you need to know about Proxima Centauri B.

Temporal Incursion: Stellar Flash Book Three is due out on the 5th March on Amazon, in print and as an ebook, and will be available via Kindle Unlimited for a limited time.

From about May it will be available for special order printing through various bookshops , and from June on Apple, Google Play, Kobo, and other places as an ebook.

I’ll post again as soon as it is released on Amazon.

Many thanks for your interest in the Stellar Flash series