Stellar Flash and other writing updates. And some more giveaways.

Other Writing Projects


Thank for subscribing. I very much appreciate your interest in the Stellar Flash series and characters, and your support of Space Fiction.

Things are speeding along nicely with the Robots of Atlantis, and pieces are falling into place. I’ve got some unexpected twists and turns happening that even I didn’t expect! Amazing what happens when personalities come up against each other and suggest solutions that haven’t crossed my mind before their interactions began. I like to give them a bit of free rein before, well, reining them in.

However, I’m taking a short break from it as an editor has asked me to submit something regarding Stanislaw Lem for consideration. For those of you not familiar with Lem’s work, the George Clooney movie Solaris is loosely based on one of his novels. In Poland, 2021 has been declared the year of Stanislaw Lem (amongst other patrons) and its a great reason to have another look at his work. So, the past couple of days I’ve been absorbing his writing style and hope to put together something that does him homage. I’ll let you know how it goes. (You can check out some Lem works on Amazon here: Stanislaw Lem )

In other news, I have just released Space Fiction Collection 2. This contains a collection of stories that two other writers and I collaborated on for early issues of Alien Dimensions. Aric Merchant and Nicky Martin were great at writing to a deadline based on my suggestions and I’m really happy to have these stories see the light in book form again. You can find out more here:

And now, some giveaways!

The first is the Science Fiction and Fantasy Giveaway organised through StoryOrigin. This will end on Feb 28.

Then there’s one I’m organising called Space Fiction Giveaway – Aliens and the Future. Also finishes on Feb 28. This one is through Prolific Works. Prolific Works will also be promoting this in their newsletter and featuring it on their website so I think they like the idea of something specifically focused on Space Fiction.

Another Prolific Works giveway that I’m involved in is called War of the Worlds. This one is running for a bit longer – until the 1st April.

I hope you find something compelling there.

Have a great week!

Until next time


Being Prepared

This is all new for me. 

I’m very excited to be able to create newsletters for you with special offers, bonuses and news, but before 2021 I had almost nothing to say. If you had joined in February 2020 and have wondered why you haven’t heard much from me, well, that’s why. Certainly, as a writer, I’m afraid to bore anyone. My goal is to entertain. My hope is that one of my stories will have you sitting back and thinking about it for hours after you read it. (Hopefully with some semblance of joy or interest!) So, I had thought that the idea of making a newsletter as interesting as fiction is, would be, well, a work of fiction.

However, this year I learnt from a number of writers that part of being a writer is not only updating people about your work, but also letting them know about other like-written author’s works that your readers might also like.

Of course, there must be writers out there that write similar stories to what I write. And many readers read a book a week, some a book a day. If I end up just releasing three a year, then I’m letting my readers down by not suggesting other works that will interest them.

And so, I have organised some giveaways with other authors for you. It’s all very exciting, and it’s kind of like walking into a library for the first time. You’ve suddenly got access to all these great stories that you didn’t know were available.

So, this issue, I’m really happy to tell you about an upcoming giveaway. It’s short and sweet!

It’s running from January 20th to February 3rd, and it’s called Sci-Fi Group Giveaway – Technological Breakthrough

I hope you find a gem in there.

In other news I’ve launched a new collection series. This first one is like a proof of concept release and features 10 of my space-fiction-focused stories. You may have read some of them already as most have appeared in Alien DimensionsScience Fiction Weekly and Hoganthology. If not, please check out Space Fiction Collection 1

Future collections will feature other authors’ stories taken from no-longer-available issues of Alien Dimensions. And, hopefully, some surprises!

Many thanks for your interest in space fiction and the Stellar Flash series. Until next time.

Neil A. Hogan